
Friday 25 February 2011

Times and seasons

Changing summer time seems to be coming up for review (again)
During the winter it seems its always going to be dark when you get up in the morning.
Why not have it dark for an extra hour? I dont feel its going to make that much of a difference.
When its dark in the evenings I tend to feel tireder with the dimming of the days light.
In the middle of winter, I feel that if I could look forward to it being light up to around about five o'clock, it would make an enormous difference on output energy and attitude.
I also would prefere in the middle of summer to be woken up by the geese and birds at five thirty instead of four thirty in the morning.

Also this year, I'm going to adjust the first day of everything.
I know that I am wishing the start of spring to start earlier, but it does make sence to start on the first day of March as oppose to the twenty first.
I certainly dont feel that the start of summer is on the twentyfirst of June,
or in fact the first day of winter, just a couple of days before Christmas.
Bring them all forward three weeks!

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