
Monday 21 February 2011

First Output

17th Feb '10
It's on anytime now, but do be carefull
You may need a tent,
Bring a bottle.
Come quick before its all over.
Stand by your social net work sites:
location may change.

Monday 19th February 2010,
I start this blog off as Libya seems to get increasingly more unsettled and more blood soaked.
As Gadafi's son commented last night;
on the edge of civil war, with the possibility of turning into "emirates", whatever they are.
A Tale of two cities.
And, his promise of the destruction of the elements of sedition - underlying threats - with bloodshed a thousand times worse than that in Egypt.

I wonder where this whole upheaval will go.
Will it affect Iran?
What part might fundamentalism have to play in this?

I have added the water/paper based painting that I produced as quickly as possible during the couple of days where Tahrir Sqare really kicked off, entering it on "Face Book" whilst the thing was in progress as it were.

I start this Blog off with the aim of pursuing two avenues of expression :
A diary part,
Written from the perspective of an "ageing" artist, trying to put his fingers in various pies.
And a Gallery,
of past work possibly something that could be used as a kind of C.V.

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